Most frequent answers and questions

The World Pitch and Putt Amateur Ranking (WPPAR), is offered by IPPA – International Pitch & Putt Association, to all Pitch and Putt amateur players members of the Federations/Associations affiliated with the IPPA, all over the world.

This Ranking comprises a Women’s Ranking and a Men’s Ranking for P&P amateur players, and also a Ranking by Countries.

Through the incorporation and worldwide evaluation of amateur competitions, WPPAR encourages the international and national development of Pitch and Putt.

WPPAR aims to be the most comprehensive and accurate ranking in Pitch and Putt, effectively comparing players from around the world who can never compete directly against each other.

This Ranking will be managed and maintained by IPPA, through the IPPA Competitions Committee for now (and after through its own WPPAR Committee), based on the most varied Pitch and Putt competitions, worldwide, and in accordance with the definitions established in this Regulation.

The WPPAR methodology was based on the successful WAGR – World Amateur Golf Ranking – managed by R&A Rules Limited and the United States Golf Association, created in 2007 by R&A, and followed by the great majority of Golf Amateur players and Golf Institutions, all over the world.

The WPPAR System ranks the top Amateur P&P players in the world on the basis of their average performance in Counting Competitions on a rolling cycle over the previous 104 weeks (2 years).

The WPPAR will be issued weekly on completion of the previous week’s Counting Competitions and will rank amateur P&P players on the basis of performance in these competitions.

Currently the list of Counting Competitions (see COMPETITIONS page at http://wppar-ippa-cloud.demo.shimano.misterketing.it/ ) comprises over 25 competitions worldwide, and will certainly grow very fast, around the world.

Each IPPA associate member can propose, to be included in WPPAR Counting Competitions, others Pitch and Putt competitions organized by them, provided they fully comply with all the parameters required by these WPPAR Rules, for a credible, efficient and well-functioning Ranking.

Counting Competitions include all the IPPA 7 Major Championships (World Championships), The HUDSON CUP and all the others WPPAR approved official competitions from the IPPA Official Calendar, recognised by the WPPAR Committee.

Stroke Play scores and Match Play results are deemed Counting Rounds and are taken into account and WPPAR points awarded. To reflect current form, points are accumulated over a rolling period of the last 104 weeks.

Each player is ranked according to his points average, determined by dividing the total number of points by the number of Counting Rounds played (Divisors).

There is a minimum divisor of 48 for women and 54 for men over the 104 weeks.

The WPPAR methodology does differ from most rankings.

Rather than earning points based solely on finishing place, points are awarded for each round in Stroke Play and for certain matches in Match Play. 

The points awarded for each Stroke Play round are calculated in comparison to the average score of WPPAR ranked players in the field.  This approach guarantees that every round for every player is assessed, therefore identifying the most consistent players day in and day out. 

As WPPAR is a new Ranking system, it will certainly require certain corrections, so during the first 52 weeks the WWAPR Committee will analyze the results and could change some of the parameters to better measure the final results.

WPPAR has its own website, https:/wppar.ippa.cloud, with all the information patent on it, and will be developed by a specialized company, that will be partner of the IPPA, who will also develop and apply the necessary software to make WPPAR a dynamic and automatic ranking.

Software will be developed for the “font office” and the “back office”, thus allowing, every week, the Ranking to be updated, with the minimum of work, by the competent IPPA services.

WPPAR listing will be updated every week.


Carlo Farioli, is the current President of the IPPA, and since the founding of the IPPA in 2009, it is due to him the great spread and dissemination of P&P around the world.

As President of the Federazione Italiana de Pitch & Putt, he was a founder of the EPPA – European P&P Association in 2000 and later of FIPPA – International P&P Federation in 2006.

In 2009, he founded together with Spain, Portugal, San Marino, Denmark and France, the IPPA – International P&P Association, being its President since 2016.

He is undoubtedly one of P&P’s most important personalities, not only in Italy but worldwide as well. Carlo Farioli is the “P&P man”.

A Gold Trophy, the FARIOLI AWARD, is instituted by IPPA, and will be awarded annually to the players ranked number one, in the WPPAR men’s and women’s ranking, as of December 31.

The IPPA will also study the possibility of awarding a monetary prize to the top 3 men’s and women’s ranking at the end of each calendar year, which prize will be made available to these players in the form of a subsidy to participate in competitions in the Official Calendar of the IPPA, during the following year.

This prize will come into effect as of January 1, 2019 and the 2019 winners will be announced on December 31, 2019.


A Ranking by Country will also be established over the last 104 weeks, which will consist in the sum of the scores of the top 5 ranked players in each country.

This ranking may serve as a basis for the selection of countries to integrate certain IPPA competitions, such as the World Cup in St Andrews, or other world or intercontinental competitions.

A special trophy, a Cup, will be awarded at the end of each year, on 31 December, to the best ranked country on that date.

This Cup will have recorded the name of the winning country and the 5 names that contributed to this victory, and will belong to the IPPA, although the winning country is the faithful custodian of this Cup for a year.

This prize will come into effect as of January 1, 2019 and the 2019 winners will be announced on December 31, 2019.

In all competitions counting for WPPAR, not all participants will enter the Ranking, unless they reach certain parameters according to the strength (value) of each competition.

To become a Ranked Player, a player must fulfil one of the following:

Stroke Play

  • Finish in the top 64 & ties in a Category ELITE Championship
  • Finish in the top 40 & ties in a Category A Championship
  • Finish in the top 30 & ties in a Category B Championship
  • Finish in the top 25 & ties in a Category C Championship
  • Finish in the top 15 & ties in a Category D Championship
  • Finish in the top 10 & ties in a Category E Championship
  • Finish in the top 5 & ties in a Category F Championship
  • Finish in the top 3 & ties in a Category G Championship

Match Play by rounds (all play every round)

  • First 16 players classified in any category

Match Play by playoffs (by elimination)

  • All players that win at least one match in any category

Match Play by Teams (Ryder Cup format or similar)

  • All players in competition in any category

Pairs Competitions (Strokeplay)

  • Finish in the top 6 in a Category ELITE Championship
  • Finish in the top 6 in a Category A Championship
  • Finish in the top 5 in a Category B Championship
  • Finish in the top 4 in a Category C Championship
  • Finish in the top 3 in a Category D Championship
  • Finish in the top 2 in a Category E Championship
  • Finish in the top 2 in a Category F Championship
  • Finish in the top 1 in a Category G Championship

Note:  In Strokeplay, if less than 36 holes are played for any reason (e.g., poor weather), no new players will become ranked.

A player will be removed from WPPAR if:

  • The player has turned professional or lost amateur status
  • The player has not competed in a Counting Competition in the last 52 weeks
  • The player has not earned WPPAR points in a Counting Competition in the last 104 weeks

If a player has been removed from the ranking, the player must once again take steps to become ranked before WPPR points can be earned again.

Do only top event finishers earn points?

In stroke play, the result of every round for every ranked player is entered into the WPPAR system; all play is included in order to determine consistency.

WPPAR stroke play points are assessed per round, not per place finish. WPPAR stroke play bonus points are awarded per place finish.

In match play, the number of players who receive points, and the amount of points received, is determined by the category of the event.

A Counting Competition is an Amateur Championship, Stroke Play or Match Play, selected and approved by the WPPAR Committee to count for WPPAR.

Counting Competitions should be played under the Rules of Golf, the Rules of Amateur Status, the Equipment Rules of The R&A and USGA, the IPPA Permanent Local Rules and Terms of Competition and the IPPA Code of Conduct.

Counting Competitions should have at least one Referee acting during all the Championship, officially recognized by IPPA or by the National Federation/Association, member of IPPA. This Referee will sign and will be responsible for the recognition of results.

All Golf or P&P Federations/Associations, members of IPPA, are encouraged to participate in WPPAR.  It’s as easy as just returning results!

Counting Competitions, conducted at national or international level, may be:

  1. Any individual Stroke Play Competition, decided by gross scores, played over a minimum of three rounds (54 holes). The minimum field size for inclusion in WPPAR is 20 for men and 5 for women.
  2. Any individual or team Match Play Competition, decided by gross scores, played over a minimum of three Match Play rounds. The minimum field size for inclusion in WPPAR is 4 players.
    Stroke Play qualifying for a counting Match Play Competition will also be included in the results for that Competition if played over a minimum of 18 holes.
  3. Any Pairs Competition (Stroke Play or Match Play) decided by gross scores, played over a minimum of three rounds (18 holes each). The minimum team size for inclusion in WPPAR  is 4 players on each participating team.

Note 1: In Strokeplay, scheduled rounds must be at 18 holes or the like; scheduled rounds of 9 holes will not be included in WPPAR.

However, playing the same 9-hole course twice to constitute a single 18-hole round in Stroke Play.

If a round originally scheduled for 18 holes or the like is reduced to fewer holes, this reduction in and of itself will not be a reason to exclude the round from WPPAR.

In Match Play competitions, a 9-hole or 6-hole Match Play round, are acceptable, but reduces the points by 50% and 25%, respectively.

Note 2: Cancellation of a round or rounds for reasons of weather, safety, etc., will not necessarily render the Competition “non-counting.”

All Golf or P&P Federations/Associations, members of IPPA, are encouraged to participate in WPPAR.  It’s as easy as just returning results!

The WPPAR Committee will consider proposals for inclusion of new Competitions to WPPAR at any time, as long as Competition dates are confirmed two months in advance of the first round of the Competition.

The final selection of Counting Competitions will be at the sole discretion of the WPPAR Committee. To submit a new Competition for consideration, please go online to the official WPPAR microsite in http://wppar-ippa-cloud.demo.shimano.misterketing.it/submit-a-competition/

To submit a competition in WPPAR, the organisers should send, via WPPAR website, the following data:

  • Competition Name
  • Competition Dates
  • Place of Competition
  • Format and number of rounds (holes)
  • Eligibility (open to IPPA foreign players?)
  • Terms of the Competition (Regulation)
  • Name of responsible Referee
  • Contacts of Competition’s Organization

In Stroke Play, Counting Rounds are all rounds played in a Counting Competition.

In Match Play, Counting Rounds are specified rounds in a Match Play Counting Competition.

A Counting Score is a gross Stroke Play score recorded by a Ranked Player in a round of a Counting Competition.

The results of Counting Competitions are gathered from a number of sources. As a preferred method, Competition organisers and national federations are asked to directly provide results immediately following the conclusion of their Competitions, thru the WPPAR microsite, on http://wppar-ippa-cloud.demo.shimano.misterketing.it/

Should the WPPAR staff need to contact a Competition organiser for clarification, a reply must be received by the deadline or the Competition will not be included in WPPAR.

Where results are sourced from the internet they will be verified against the results provided by the Competition organiser or national federation if submitted by the deadline. Where necessary any amendments to the WPPAR system are made at that time.

Each Counting Competition has a position on the Competition Rating Table based on the strength of its starting field using the number of WPPAR Ranked players and their positions in the WPPAR Top 500 (Men) & 250 (Women). These players contribute rating points that are totalled to determine the category of the Competition.

Counting Competitions are divided into eight Counting Competition Categories:

  • Category Elite Competitions are the World Strokeplay P&P Championships and the HUDSON CUP.
  • A Category A Competition is a Counting Competition ranked 1-5 in any given week based on WPPAR Competition Rating Table.
  • A Category B Competition is a Counting Competition ranked 6-10 in any given week based on WPPAR Competition Rating Table.
  • A Category C Competition is a Counting Competition ranked 11-15 in any given week based on WPPARCompetition Rating Table. 
  • A Category D Competition is a Counting Competition ranked 16-25 in any given week based on WPPARCompetition Rating Table. 
  • A Category E Competition is a Counting Competition ranked 26-30 in any given week based on WPPARCompetition Rating Table.
  • A Category F Competition is a Counting Competition ranked 31-40 in any given week based on WPPARCompetition Rating Table.
  • A Category G Competition is a Counting Competition ranked 41 and higher in any given week based on WPPARCompetition Rating Table.

The stronger the Counting Competition, the more Bonus Points are on offer for high finishing positions and the more new WPPAR Ranked Players are produced. 

IMPORTANT: As the number of Counting Competitions grows thru the years, these parameters will be altered and refined, according to the real importance of each of the competitions, be they regional, national or international.

Each Counting Competition has a position on the Competition Rating Table based on the strength of its starting field using the number of WPPAR ranked competitors and their positions in the WPPAR Top 500.

These competitors contribute rating points that are totalled to determine the category of the Competition. 

The applicable ranking position for purposes of measuring field quality is always as of just prior to the start of any Competition.

The WPPAR Ranked Players Rating Points are:


Player ranked



















Player ranked


















The Competition Rating Table will be maintained public and updated in the WPPAR microsite.

NOTE: During the first year, WPPAR may classify each Count Competition according to its own standards in relation to the relative importance of that competition, as there are not enough records yet to make a more realistic classification. During the year, and with more Competitions played, the Ranking will be stronger and more real.

As in everything that begins, it is not possible at this initial stage to draw up a Competition Rating Table that mirrors the reality of P&P Competitions, around the World, due to the lack of data.

Therefore, the following strengths will be assumed for the first 52 weeks (2019) for each of the competitions, based on their “theoretical importance”, and the same competitions may be changed by the WPPAR Committee in its strength (up or down) before they are organized, according to the field that is presented in those Competitions:

So, during 2019 the ELITE Category will not be in play, Category A will be given to the World Match Play P&P Championship and the World Sport Games, Category B to the Intercontinental Competitions – European Pairs P&P Championship, Category C to all existing International Opens for years, Category D to all new International Opens, Category E to the National Absolute Championships of each of the Federations/associations members of IPPA, Category F to each of the other National Championships (such as Cups or Match Play Championships) and Category G to all other Regional Competitions.

Each of these Competitions must be in accepted by WPPAR Committee, in accordance with section 5.1 of this Regulation, in order to be able to integrate WPPAR.

The RSS is the calculated standard used to convert a player’s Counting Scores to Stroke Play Ranking Points.

The RSS for a Counting Round is calculated by use of the formula (a) / (b), where (a) is the sum total of the scores of the leading (b) players in the round, with (b) representing the total number of WPPAR Ranked Players in the round.

For starting fields of fewer than 48 players, 50% of the scores normally used to calculate the RSS are applied.

If fewer than five WPPAR Ranked Players play a Counting Round, the RSS for that round will be the average of the lowest five scores.

In this example, there are 5 WPPAR Ranked players in the field on the first day of this Competition, so (b) = 5

The lowest 5 scores that day from the entire field (not necessarily WPPAR Ranked players) are 48, 49, 50, 51 and 54,  so (a) = 48 + 49 + 50 + 51 + 54 = 252;

Then for this first round the RSS = (a) / (b) = 252 / 5 = 50.4

Note: In multiple course Competitions, the RSS is calculated by round, not by course.

Stroke Play Ranking Points are points awarded to a player on the basis of the player’s performance in each Stroke Play Counting Round

A player receives 1 (one) Divisor for each Stroke Play round played.

The number of Stroke Play Ranking Points is calculated by applying the following formula:

RSS – score + 8 = Stroke Play Ranking Points

If the resultant value is negative, zero points are awarded.

Note: Stroke Play Ranking Points are allocated per round, not for total score or place finish.

In this example, the Stroke Play Ranking Points for all 4 rounds are:


Rd 1

Rd 2

Rd 3

Rd 4







Player’s Stroke Play scores





Player’s Stroke Play Ranking Points












Stroke Play Bonus Ranking Points will be given to Ranked Players based on player’s finishing position.

Bonus Ranking Points are awarded to players in Stroke Play Counting Competitions in accordance with the tables and summaries below, and will be adjusted as follows:

  • If 72 holes (or more) are played for the Competition, players will receive 100% of finishing position bonus points
  • If 54-71 holes are played for the Competition, players will receive 75% of finishing position bonus points
  • If 36-53 holes are played for the Competition, players will receive 50% of finishing position bonus points
  • If less than 36 holes are played for the Competition, finishing position bonus points will not be awarded

Note 1: The figures above are based on actual holes played, not holes scheduled to be played.

Bonus points for participation will be awarded at 100% no matter how many holes are played.

Note 2: For fields with fewer than 48 players, 50% of Stroke Play bonus points will be awarded.

Counting Competitions that are Elite category:


2nd place

3rd place

4rd place

5th place

6th place

48 points

36 points

18 points

12 points

6 points

3 points

Counting Competitions that are Category A:


2nd place

3rd place

4rd place

5th place

6th place

36 points

18 points

12 points

6 points

3 points

1 point

Counting Competitions that are Category B:


2nd place

3rd place

4rd place

5th place

18 points

12 points

6 points

3 points

1 point

Counting Competitions that are Category C:


2nd place

3rd place

4rd place

12 points

6 points

3 points

1 point

Counting Competitions that are Category D:


2nd place

3rd place

6 points

3 points

1 point

Counting Competitions that are Category E:


2nd place

3 points

1 point

Counting Competitions that are Category F:


2nd place

2 points

1 point

Counting Competitions that are Category G:


1 point

In this example, this Competition, was Category B and the player finished 3rd :


Rd 1

Rd 2

Rd 3

Rd 4




Player’s Stroke Play scores





Player’s Stroke Play ranking points






Bonus Points










Match Play Ranking Points are awarded for disputed matches in specified rounds of Match Play Counting Competitions in accordance with the tables below.

There are three types of Match Play Counting Competitions: Match Play by rounds (all play every round), Match Play by playoffs (by elimination) and Teams Match Play (Ryder Cup format or similar). For each of them there is a distinct table of points.

The category of a Match Play Competition is determined by its starting field, if the Competition begins with Match Play or a minimum of 36 holes of Stroke Play qualifying. If there are 18 holes of Stroke Play qualifying, the category of a Match Play Competition is determined by the players advancing to the championship Match Play flight.

Stroke Play qualifying for Match Play Competitions will also be included in the results for that Competition if played over a minimum of 18 holes.

IMPORTANT : In Match Play competitions, a 9-hole or 6-hole Match Play round, are acceptable, but reduces the points by 50% and 25%, respectively.

Points will be allocated using the below tables:

Match Play by rounds (all play every round) points:

CategFinal position

Match Play by playoffs (by elimination) points:

CategFinal1/2 final1/4 final1/8 final1/16 final1/32 final

BONUS POINTS for Match Play by playoffs:

Winner151211109753Points to be awarded by each player per Match 18 holes

Teams Match Play (Ryder Cup format or similar) points:


Foursomes, Greensomes or Fourball
















































Points to be awarded by each player of the pair

Points to be awarded by each player


IMPORTANT NOTE: If any Teams Match finish A/S (all square) the sum of points (winner+runner-up) is divided and shared by both players. Example: Player A and B finish A/S a Match from Category D, then Player A receives 7,5 points and 1 divisor and player B receives 7,5 points and 1 divisor.

Example 1:

Match Play by rounds (all play every round)

Category A Competition with 4 rounds of 6 holes each: 

  • Winner gets 28 points * 4 rounds * 25% cut (6 holes) = 112*25%=28 points and 4 divisors
  • Runner-up gets 26 points * 4 rounds * 25% cut (6 holes) = 104*25%=26 points and 4 divisors
  • 3rd place gets 24 points * 4 rounds * 25% cut (6 holes) = 96*25%=24 points and 4 divisors
  • 4rd place gets 23 points * 4 rounds * 25% cut (6 holes) = 92*25%=23 points and 4 divisors
  • And so on… till 16th place

Example 2:

Match Play by playoffs (by elimination)

Category F Competition with 4 rounds of 18 holes (starts as 1/8 final): 

  • Winner gets 18+14+12+10 points and 4 rounds played = 54 points and 4 divisors
  • Runner-up gets 7+14+12+10 points and 4 rounds played = 43 points and 4 divisors  
  • Semi-finalists gets 5+12+10 points and 3 rounds played = 27 points and 3 divisors  
  • Quarterfinalists gets 4+10 points and 2 rounds = 14 points and 2 divisors  
  • Player who loses in the first round (1/8 final) gets 3 points = 3 points and 1 divisor
  • In addition, each player gets bonus points according to each match played (winner or runner-up), i.e., the final Runner-up plays 4 matches, and wins 3 matches and lose 1 match, will add 5+5+5+3= 18 points to his score, according to his final position


Example 3:

Teams Match Play

Category C Competition – format Ryder Cup – with 3 rounds (1 Foursommes, 1 Fourball and 1 Singles): 

  • Juan and Javier from the Colombia team play against John and James from Scotland in Match Play Foursomes. Scotland win by 4&3.

John receives 13 points, James 13 points and Juan receives 7 points and Javier 7 points.

  • Juan and Javier play against John and James another Match Play Fourball. Scotland win again by 5&4. John receives 13 points, James 13 points and Juan receives 7 points and Javier 7 points.
  • Juan then plays with John in Match Play singles and John defeats Juan by 3&2. John receives 20 points and Juan 10 points.
  • Javier plays with James in Match Play singles and Javier defeats the Scot by 1up. Javier receives 20 points and James 10 points.
  • In the end, Juan receives 24 points (7+7+10) and 3 divisors (3 rounds), Javier 34 points (7+7+20) and 3 divisors (3 rounds), John 46 points (13+13+20) and 3 divisors (3 rounds) and James 36 points (13+13+10) and 3 divisors (3 rounds).

Pairs Ranking Points will be awarded in Pairs counting competitions that are played in Greensomes, Foursomes or FourBall format.

Pairs Ranking Points will be given to Ranked Players based on player’s finishing position.

Pairs Ranking Points are awarded to players in Pairs Counting Competitions in accordance with the tables and summaries below, and will be adjusted as follows:

  • If 72 holes (or more) are played for the Competition, players will receive 100% of finishing position bonus points
  • If 54-71 holes are played for the Competition, players will receive 75% of finishing position bonus points
  • If 36-53 holes are played for the Competition, players will receive 50% of finishing position bonus points
  • If less than 36 holes are played for the Competition, finishing position bonus points will not be awarded

Note 1: The figures above are based on actual holes played, not holes scheduled to be played.

The Pairs Ranking Points will be earned by each of the player’s pair, in accordance with the chart below. Divisors will be also awarded, one divisor by each 18 holes played.

Counting Competitions that are Elite category:


2nd place

3rd place

4rd place

5th place

6th place

24 points

18 points

9 points

6 points

3 points

1 points

Counting Competitions that are Category A:


2nd place

3rd place

4rd place

5th place

6th place

18 points

9 points

6 points


2 points

1 point

Counting Competitions that are Category B:


2nd place

3rd place

4rd place

5th place

9 points

6 points

3 points

2 points

1 point

Counting Competitions that are Category C:


2nd place

3rd place

4rd place

6 points

3 points

2 points

1 point

Counting Competitions that are Category D:


2nd place

3rd place

4 points

2 points

1 point

Counting Competitions that are Category E:


2nd place

3 points

1 point

Counting Competitions that are Category F:


2nd place

2 points

1 point

Counting Competitions that are Category G:


1 point

Team Participation Points (Match Play or Strokeplay) will be earned in accordance with the chart below, always that a player represents its country in a WPPAR counting competition. Divisors are not awarded.

Players must play in the Competition in order to receive the points indicated above. A player who is selected to a team, but who ultimately does not compete, would not be eligible to receive points.










Participation points









The Divisor is calculated by adding the number of Stroke Play Counting Rounds to the number of Match Play Counting Rounds.

The minimum value of the divisor is 48 for women and 54 for men, over the 104 weeks, but there is no maximum value.

Note: Newly ranked female players will have a minimum value of the Divisor of 10 for their first 52 weeks in the ranking. Newly ranked male players will have a minimum value of the Divisor of 20 for their first 52 weeks in the ranking.

Divisors will only be added for actual rounds played. If a player withdraws or is disqualified during a round, one additional Divisor will be added.

In the case of a withdrawal due to medical circumstance, the player can appeal the added Divisor by providing certified documentation to the WPPAR Committee.

In this example, a Counting Competition with 4 rounds :


Rd 1

Rd 2

Rd 3

Rd 4








WPPAR position is determined by applying the WPPAR Technical Performance formula as follows:

WPPAR Position = WPPAR Points Total / Divisor x 100

The WPPAR Points Total is calculated by totalling a player’s Match Play Ranking Points, Stroke Play Ranking Points, Team Match Play Participation Points, and Stroke Play Bonus Ranking Points. 

The WPPAR Position is expressed in decimal numbers to 4 decimal places. (example: 875,0286)

In this example:


MP Ranking Points

SP Ranking Points

Bonus Points



Overall Total















 WPPAR Position:

808 / 58 x 100 = 1393,1034 points

Men’s and Women’s Rankings

Open to all P&P players worldwide, male or female, provided they are members of one of the Federations / Associations affiliated to the IPPA, and participate in the various competitions to count for the WPPAR, listed on the Counting Competitions page in the WPPAR microsite.

In the case of a tie between players, the tiebreaker shall be set in favour of the player having a greater number of Divisors. If the tie still exists after that, the tiebreaker shall be set in favour of the player who has competed in a greater number of competitions, in the last 52 weeks.

As is well known, Pitch & Putt competitions are played from only one tee, regardless of the gender or age of the player, so it is common, if not standard, for the competitions to be played with a mix between men and women, young and seniores, etc., so that the classifications of each competition to be counted for the WPPAR will be separated between men and women, thus dictating the respective classification of each of the genres. (For example, in a P&P Open the first lady is in 12th place and the second best in 21st place. For the purposes of WPPAR, the rankings will be 1st and 2nd, respectively, as well as the parameters for calculating the Scratch Score (RSS) and others related to this genre.)

Similarly, for men in the WPPAR, women who qualify among men do not count as absolute men for WPPAR. (For example, in a competition, a woman wins the tournament and in 2nd place and 3rd place there are 2 men. For the WPPAR classification, in the case of men, the 2nd place takes the 1st place in men and the 3rd passes to the 2nd place , but only in relation to the WPPAR parameters of the men gender.

Ranking by Countries

This Ranking by Countries is established by the sum of the points obtained by the 5 best players belonging to that country, member affiliated to IPPA. All these 5 players must have their nationality authenticated and approved by the official entities of that country.

In the case of a tie between countries, the tiebreaker shall be set in favour of the Country having a greater number of Divisors (sum of the 5 players). If the tie still exists after that, the tiebreaker shall be set in favour of the Country that has the player best classified.

The use of the WORLD PITCH & PUTT AMATEUR RANKING (WPPAR) and our website at http://wppar-ippa-cloud.demo.shimano.misterketing.it (“Site”) is subject to the following terms and conditions which you should read. The Site is managed by IPPA – International Pitch and Putt Association (referred to as “we”, “us” or “our” below).

In entering the Site, you as a user (“you” or “your”) are accepting our terms. You understand that we may, at any time and without notice, make changes to these terms and the Site. This includes us suspending or withdrawing the Site. You should take time to read these terms and other terms and conditions that apply to your use of the Site.

All material on the Site or made available via the Site (referred to in this section as the “Content”) belongs to us or to third parties who have allowed us to use and display their material. Information on the Site is posted in good faith and updated regularly. However, we cannot guarantee the completeness and accuracy of the information shown, in particular the data published on the rankings within WPPAR.

Due to the nature of electronic distribution via the Internet, we do not give any warranties or make any representations in respect of the Site. In particular, the Site is provided on an “as is”, “with all faults” and “as available” basis.

WPPAR ranks the top amateur P&P players in the world on the basis of their average performance in Counting Competitions on a rolling cycle over the previous 104 weeks. The calculation of the rankings within WPPAR is made by us in accordance with our rules.

Subject to these terms, we hereby grant a revocable licence to any party to reproduce the WPPAR Ranking as published by us on the Site or otherwise from time to time. Any such reproduction of the WPPAR Ranking should acknowledge its source and contain a copyright statement acknowledging our rights and the rights of WPPAR and we hereby grant a revocable licence to any party to use the WPPAR trademarks solely for this purpose.

This licence to reproduce does not give any party the right to alter, amend, adapt, change, revise or supplement the WPPAR Ranking, as published by us on the Site from time to time, in any manner or form including to create a separate ranking.

Any individual or organisation wishing to reproduce or otherwise make use of the WPPAR Ranking (or any part of them) in a manner that seeks to alter, amend, adapt, change, revise or supplement the WPPAR Ranking in any manner or form, must seek our written permission by way of a licence prior to making such use. It is at our sole discretion whether or not a licence will be granted.

We reserve the right to vary or amend any of the Rules at any time.

As the owner and operator of the WPPAR Ranking and the Site, we exclusively hold all of the operating rights in respect of WPPAR and all rights in connection with the “WORLD PITCH AND PUTT AMATEUR RANKING”,“WPPAR” and related trademarks and logos.

No use of any of “WORLD PITCH AND PUTT AMATEUR RANKING”,“WPPAR” or other trademarks (including the WPPAR logo) is permitted without our written permission, save as permitted above for a party to credit a permitted reproduction of the WPPAR Ranking as published by us on the Site.

Where an event has been established as a Counting Competition for the purposes of the Rules, the organiser of such Counting Competition is authorized to use the WPPAR trademarks (including the WPPAR logo), in the Organiser website or any other documents, in relation to that Counting Competition.

The WPPAR ranking data is produced primarily for use in connection with competitions run by us or on our behalf.

If any individual or organisation wishes to make use of the published WPPAR ranking data, or any part of it, for their own purposes they may do so, provided such use is in accordance with the terms set out above. We shall not be responsible or liable in any way whatsoever for any such use of the published WPPAR ranking data.

Information published in the Counting Competition Calendar is intended solely for the purpose of providing general information and is not intended to amount to advice on which reliance should be placed. The Counting Competition Calendar is populated with information provided to us by the organisers of the relevant events. Whilst we endeavour to ensure that the contents of the Counting Competition Calendar are accurate and up-to-date, we are entirely reliant on the organisers of Counting Competitions providing us with updates and amendments to the information that they have provided to us. We therefore make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, with respect to the Counting Competition Calendar or its contents.

It is the sole responsibility of the user to check the accuracy or reliability of relevant facts before entering into any financial or other comment based upon them. We accept no responsibility for any loss or liability which may arise from reliance on the information contained in the Counting Competition Calendar.


Best Country Trophy

Trophy awarded, every year at December, 31, to the Federation/Association, member country affiliated with the IPPA, which obtains the best result, based on the points obtained by the best 5 players of that country.

Counting Competitions

A Counting Competition is an Amateur Championship, Stroke Play or Match Play, selected and approved by the WPPAR Committee to count for WPPAR Rankings.

Counting Rounds

In Stroke Play, Counting Rounds are all rounds played in a Counting Competition. In Match Play, Counting Rounds are specified rounds in a Match Play Counting Competition.

Counting Score

A Counting Score is a gross Stroke Play score recorded by a Ranked Player in a round of a Counting Competition.

Competition Rating Table

A Ranking Table of all the WPPAR Counting Competitions, based on the strength of the starting field of each Competition, using the number of WPPAR Ranked players and their positions in the WPPAR Top 500 (Men) & 250 (Women). These players contribute rating points that are totalled to determine the Category of the Competition.

Competition Categories (Strengths)

Counting Competitions are divided into 8 Competition Categories, each one with their specific strength (value): ELITE, A, B, C, D, E, F and G


A Divisor is the equivalent to 1 round in a Counting Competition


Trophy that will be awarded annually to the players ranked number one, in the WPPAR men’s and women’s ranking, as of December 31. This Trophy honours the actual President of IPPA and its founder, for the role of Carlo Farioli, in the in the great spread that P&P is currently having, worldwide.


New Competition, played in “Ryder Cup format”, every two years, among the 12 best players in Europe and the 12 best players in the Rest of the World, based on the ratings obtained through WPPAR.
This Cup honours the Past-President of IPPA and its founder, for the role of John Hudson, in the development of P&P worldwide.

Match Play Ranking Points

Match Play Ranking Points are points awarded to Ranked Players for disputing matches in specified rounds of Match Play Counting Competitions.

Pairs Ranking Points

Pairs Ranking Points will be awarded in Pairs counting competitions that are played in Greensomes, Foursomes or FourBall format.

Ranked player

A P&P player, member affiliated of IPPA, that have reach certain parameters in a WPPAR competition.

Ranked Players Rating Points

Points that a Ranked Player contributes to the Competition Rating Table, being part of the field of that Counting Competition.  The better the player is ranked in WPPAR, the more points he contributes to the position of that Counting Competition in the Competition Rating Table.

Ranking Scratch Score (RSS)

Average Gross Score of a round in a Counting Competition, related to the best (a) scores in each round, being (a) the number of Ranked Players in that round.  The lowest (a) scores of a round may be from players who are not Ranked players.

Stroke Play Bonus Ranking Points

Stroke Play Bonus Ranking Points are points given to Ranked Players based on player’s finishing position.

Stroke Play Ranking Points

Stroke Play Ranking Points are points awarded to a Ranked Player on the basis of the player’s performance in each Stroke Play Counting Round. 

Team and Pairs Participation Points

Team and Pairs Participation Points are points awarded to Ranked Players that participates in Team or Pairs Competitions, without “enough or individual” rounds of Match Play or Strokeplay, but being very important Competitions, accredited by the WPPAR Committee. Ranked Players must play in the Competition in order to receive the points indicated above. A Ranked Player who is selected to a team, but who ultimately does not compete, would not be eligible to receive points.

World Pitch and Putt Amateur Ranking (WPPAR)

World Ranking System for all Amateur P&P Ranked players, members affiliated of IPPA, effectively comparing players from around the world who can never compete directly against each other.  Rather than earning points based solely on finishing place, points are awarded for each round in Stroke Play and for certain matches won in Match Play.

WPPAR Committee

Committee that controls and manages all aspects related to WPPAR.

WPPAR formulas

Formula that gives you the Points Total assigned to a Ranked Player during a Counting Competition.

WPPAR Men’s Ranking

World Ranking of all P&P male players, provided they are members of one of the Federations/Associations affiliated to the IPPA, and participate in the various competitions to count for the WPPAR.

WPPAR microsite

New website with all information about the WPPAR in http://wppar-ippa-cloud.demo.shimano.misterketing.it

WPPAR Points total

Sum of points calculated by totalling a Ranked Player’s Match Play Ranking Points, Stroke Play Ranking Points, Team and Pairs Participation Points, and Stroke Play Bonus Ranking Points.

These points are the sum of points won by the Ranked Player in the last Counting Competition, with the previous points earned in the last 104 weeks, what gives to the player his WPPAR position.

WPPAR Positions

Position obtained by a Ranked Player in the WPPAR Ranking

WPPAR Ranking by Countries

World Ranking of all the Federations/Associations, members country affiliated with the IPPA, based on the points obtained by the best 5 players of that country.

WPPAR Women’s Ranking

World Ranking of all P&P female players, provided they are members of one of the Federations/Associations affiliated to the IPPA, and participate in the various competitions to count for the WPPAR.