After last week’s competitions played in Tunisia, Spain and Portugal, Tunisia and France put their first players in the men’s and women’s rankings.
Tunisian player Sadok Fahem, playing for the first time Pitch & Putt, won the Africa P&P Open and went straight to 19th place in the Men’s World Ranking.
Similarly, Tunisian player Abir Fellah won the women’s standings and went straight to the 5th place in the Women’s World Ranking.
Also the French players entered the World Ranking, being its best classified, Jean-Luc Pannetier, which occupies the 26th place in the world.
In ladies the French Nicole Wahba, entered to the 10th position, having reached the 4th place among the women.

By country, and now with 8 countries, Spain continues to lead in Men and Women, and in men, it should be noted the entry to the 4th place in the world, from Tunisia a very short distance from Italy, ranked 3rd.
In women, it should be noted Tunisia’s direct entry to the 2nd place in the Women’s World Ranking by countries
These results are justified by the great commitment of the Tunisian Golf Federation over the last years, betting on Pitch & Putt, as a golf specialty, with several advantages, and in particular being a good method of entry into golf.
In Men´s WPPAR, Hugo Espirito Santo (Portugal) has increase his leading over spaniard Juan Soler Espinosa.
In Women’s WPPAR, Laura Batista Mederos (Spain) dug an even bigger difference for runner-up, Spanish Maria Eugenia Martinez Oriola
We expect more changes in this Rankings, after the European Pairs P&P Championship, that will be played this week, in Italy.
See you there!