The Northern Portuguese Pitch & Putt Northern Championship was held last weekend at the P&P course in Braga, which also included the Northern Portuguese P&P Mid-Amateur Championships, Seniors and Ladies, with a total of 54 holes played.
PEDRO AFONSO MENDES from Paredes GC was crowned Northern Portuguese P&P Champion, PEDRO, with an aggregate total of -8 under the par .
In second place was GONÇALO RODRIGUES, also from Paredes GC, 11 strokes away from the winner.
In Mid-Amateurs and Seniors the Champion was ADRIANO FONSECA from Citynorte, with an aggregate of +10.
It should be noted that this Championship counted for WPPAR – World P&P Ranking, and integrated in the P&P World Ranking, three more new players from Portugal: Pedro Afonso Mendes, Gonçalo Rodrigues and Rodrigo Santos.
The canary Carlos Vega has won an exciting edition of the Spanish Pitch & Putt Championship, the fifteenth, which has been held in the course of Las Palmeras Golf (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), an emblematic setting of this golf specialty in Spain. The participation of 108 players, a limit established by the regulations, has given great color to a tournament that has everything to be even more greater on the future.
First time winner that has resulted after three rounds of intense game. Carlos Vega, a player with ample baggage in the Spanish Pitch & Putt, has won with a final round of 52 strokes, more discreet than the 49 of his intermediate round but better than the 53 of its premiere. With 154 strokes to the total has reduced in one the record of the Spaniard Raúl Toca, one of the players to beat.
Raul Toca uncovered the best round of the day, 48 strokes; magnificent, yes, but insufficient to finish alleviating the effects of the 59 with which he said goodbye on Saturday of the insular course. Both he and Jaime Herrera – fourth at four strokes behind the leader – have once again highlighted that the Cantabrian Pitch & Putt is on the rise.
It is worth mentioning that the course of Las Palmeras Golf, one of the most active in the organization of official P&P competitions in Spain, has show off the quality of its greens, very fast and with complicated lines.
Raul Toca cemented his leadership in WPPAR, with Jaime Herrera Garcia rising two places in the table, now occupying the 2nd place in the World Ranking. Another thirteen new Spanish players entered WPPAR, thus enjoying the E category of this National Championship.
This I Puntuable Nacional de Pitch & Putt 2019 has been held at the Real Club de Golf de Oyambre, a club steeped in the history of the oldest and most traditional of Spain, when practicing golf at the beginning of the nineteenth century King Alfonso XIII.
This young player leads the Ranking of P&P of the RFEG and has also been winner of the IPPA´s World Pairs P&P Championship held in 2018 in Las Palmeras Golf. We was player of the National team that faced Portugal to beginning of the month. The participation of this “Puntuable” tournament has been a success, more than 30 players were on the waiting list, the handicap cut of the participating players was 11,2
Raúl Toca has outscored Felipe Gómez in two strokes that made 58 on the last round. Sergio Alonso has completed the Top 3 with four more strokes than the winner. The three players mentioned were the only ones who finished under par in Oyambre.
The fourth place was shared by César Fernández de Caleya, José María Ortiz de Pinedo and Jaime Herrera, all of them with the par of the course and six more strokes than Raúl Toca.
This tournament, in addition to being valid for the Spanish P&P Ranking, is valid for the WPPAR – World P&P Amateur Ranking. With this win, Raul Toca has sum more 25,5000 points, giving him the total of 337,5000 and the 1st place on the World P&P Ranking table.
The next appointments for this World Ranking will be the Internacional Senior de España P&P 2019, to be held in Tenerife (Golf los Palos) on the 13th and 14th of April, the II Puntuable Nacional de Pitch & Putt 2019, to be held in Valladolid (Sotoverde Golf) on the 27th and 28th April and the Campeonato de España Masculino Absoluto 2019, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Las Palmeras Golf) on 11th and 12th May.
The young Portuguese P&P player, JOÃO MARIA PONTES is officially the first NUMBER ONE in the WORLD P&P AMATEUR RANKING, after his excellent performance in the IX MATCH P&P PORTUGAL-SPAIN, last week.
João Maria Pontes was the only player this weekend who did not lose any match. Of the 3 Matches he played, he won two and drew another, allowing him to get the highest number of points between the 12 players from Portugal and Spain present in this first competition to count for WPPAR.
João Maria Pontes (POR)
In second place, with an aggregate of 225 points, are the Spaniards Thomas Artigas and Jesus Casajus.
Thomas Artigas (SPA)
Jesus Casajus (SPA)
In terms of Ranking by Countries, Spain is in the lead, with an aggregate of 1070 points, with Portugal ranking 2nd with a total of 995 points.
Next Competition that will count for the WPPAR will be held in Spain, in the last weekend of March 2019
The full World P & P Amateur Ranking table is on the new WPPAR website at
With the conclusion of the IX MATCH P&P PORTUGAL-ESPAÑA, last week, the WPPAR – World P&P Amateur Ranking is now on.
This Match was the first Competition, from the 2019 Official Calendar of Competitions of IPPA – International P&P Association, that is included in this new WORLD RANKING.
12 players, 6 from Spain and 6 from Portugal, the best P&P players from this two countries, are now the first to be ranked to this WPPAR, as it is regulated by this Ranking System.
The WPPAR is a fair and precise system, that will to rank in an effective and active way, regardless if the player competes in National or International Competitions, everywhere in the world.
The next competition that count to the WPPAR will be held in Spain, in the end of this month of March, expecting new changes in the Ranking table.
Many other Competitions are expected to be included in our WPPAR during next months, organized by our 30 Associate Members,throughout the year.
The World Pitch and Putt Amateur Ranking (WPPAR), is offered by IPPA – International Pitch & Putt Association, to all Pitch and Putt amateur players members of the Federations/Associations affiliated with the IPPA, all over the world.
This Ranking comprises a Women’s Ranking and a Men’s Ranking for P&P amateur players, and also a Ranking by Countries.
Through the incorporation and worldwide evaluation of amateur competitions, WPPAR encourages the international and national development of Pitch and Putt.
WPPAR aims to be the most comprehensive and accurate ranking in Pitch and Putt, effectively comparing players from around the world who can never compete directly against each other.
This Ranking will be managed and maintained by IPPA, through the IPPA Competitions Committee, based on the most varied Pitch and Putt competitions, worldwide, and in accordance with the definitions established by the WPPAR Regulation.
The WPPAR methodology is based on the successful WAGR – World Amateur Golf Ranking – managed by R&A Rules Limited and the United States Golf Association, created in 2007 by R&A, and followed by the great majority of Golf Amateur players and Golf Institutions, all over the world.