During the next weeks 21 and 25, will be organized in Italy, by the Italian P&P Federation – FIP&P, the first two competitions to count for WPPAR.
This competitions will be the Campionato Italiano Singolo e Team 2019 in Isernia on 25 and 26 May and the Open di Italia P&P 2019 in Appiano Gentile near Milan, during 22 and 23 of June 2019.

This will bring the first Italian players to this World Ranking, which will give another “color” and competition to WPPAR.
Other nations will be present in these competitions, like France, San Marino, among others.
WPPAR is already moving around the world, and we have had very friendly and very interested reactions from all over the world, as from Australia, Japan, India, Brazil, Russia, Morocco, etc.

Each IPPA associate member should contribute to this World P&P Ranking by proposing their own competitions, that have a minimum of 54 holes (3 rounds) in Strokeplay or 3 rounds in Match Play.
The WPPAR regulation is available at https://wppar.ippa.cloud/faqs/